Selectors for relational data in Redux and NGRX
is a library for Redux and NGRX
which aims to facilitate work with related entities in a normalized store with a simple ORM solution.
It also provides a middleware that can normalize
or graph
data and gracefully update the store.
Apart from that, it has helper functions to build GraphQL queries, so, eventually, only selectors should be managed, the rest is done automatically.
The current version of ngrx-entity-relationship
has been tested and can be used with:
- Redux 4, React Redux 7, try it live on StackBlitz or CodeSandbox
- NGRX 13
- NGRX 12, try it live on StackBlitz or CodeSandbox
- NGRX 11
- NGRX 10
- NGRX 9
- NGRX 8
- NGRX 7
- NGRX 6
Need help or have a suggestion?
- chat on gitter
- ask a question on stackoverflow for Redux solution
- ask a question on stackoverflow for NGRX solution
- report an issue on GitHub
Problem of normalized entities and their relationships in Redux and NGRX​
Let's imagine that we have the next models:
export interface User {
id: string;
firstName: string;
lastName: string;
company?: Company;
companyId?: string;
export interface Company {
id: string;
name: string;
staff?: Array<User>;
admin?: User;
adminId?: string;
address?: Address;
addressId?: string;
export interface Address {
id: string;
street: string;
city: string;
country: string;
company?: Company;
Entities of every model are normalized and stored in the store independently:
const rootState = {
users: {
ids: ['1', '2'],
entities: {
'1': {
id: '1',
firstName: 'John',
lastName: 'Smith',
companyId: '1',
'2': {
id: '2',
firstName: 'Jack',
lastName: 'Black',
companyId: '1',
companies: {
ids: ['1'],
entities: {
'1': {
id: '1',
name: 'Magic',
adminId: '2',
addressId: '1',
addresses: {
existingIds: ['1'],
byIds: {
'1': {
id: '1',
street: 'Main st.',
city: 'Town',
country: 'Land',
Now, we want to select from the store an entity of user with the related company and its address. The desired shape should be like that:
const user = {
id: '1',
firstName: 'John',
lastName: 'Smith',
companyId: '1',
company: {
id: '1',
name: 'Magic',
adminId: '2',
addressId: '1',
address: {
id: '1',
street: 'Main st.',
city: 'Town',
country: 'Land',
Solution for selecting related entities in Redux and NGRX​
Can you believe that the eventual solution is like that?
const selectUser = rootUser(
And, it is able to return any relational data, until there is a configured relationship between entities.
const selectUser = rootUser(
Using in Redux​
If we use mapStateToProps
and Redux in React, then we could select entities like that:
const mapStateToProps = state => {
return {
user: selectUser(state, selectUserId),
Using in NGRX​
if we use NGRX in Angular, then we could select entities like that:
class MyComponent {
ngOnInit() {
this.user$ =